Data Protection Officer – Robert Ashurst

Robert and his wife Stella have been part of the family of Hooe Baptist Church since they moved into the area in 2008.

They have three adult, married daughters.

Prior to their move from Surrey to Plymouth, they were both heavily involved in the life of their local Baptist church, where Robert was in lay leadership for over 30 years. Although allegedly retired, they are busy people. In addition to his involvement in the life of Hooe Baptist Church as a Data Protection Officer and admin co-ordinator for Messy Church, both Robert and Stella share in providing prayer and practical support to Plymouth Street Pastors. Robert also has wider responsibilities on a voluntary basis as a trustee of the two Baptist Union pension schemes, and with BMS World Mission, Release International and Scripture Union.

In his capacity as Data Protection Officer Robert can be contacted by e-mail at: and as messy church co-ordinator he can be can be contacted at: